Contact us


105D Manukau Road
Pukekohe 2120
Auckland New Zealand

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Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 9AM - 4PM
Saturday: 9AM - 1PM


(+64) 021 425 555

Shop In-store + Click & Collect

We are located in Pukekohe, Auckland. Our retail store is located at 105D Manukau Road, Pukekohe and is available for in-store shopping as well as click and collect for online orders.

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Need some help?

We've got a huge amount of information available in our FAQ - Click here

If you have any questions please reach out to our team via email or by filling in the form below.

We love receiving feedback about our lollies or requests for us to stock specific lollies but we also encourage getting in contact with us if there are any issues with your order.